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The Art of Lifelong Learning – Join Our #MTtalk

When it comes to learning (formal or informal) there are so many memories I carry with me from my early childhood.

My grandfather was my first mentor and taught me what it means to be a lifelong learner. Or, more importantly, how to enjoy learning for learning's sake.

He was an avid reader, learner and storyteller, and he approached every experience as an opportunity to grow and develop. I can clearly remember myself, eight years old, squatting down in his garden, helping him plant seeds. I'd learn about gardening and so much more: about the weather, seasons, soil, plants, and vegetables; about caring for nature; and about how we're all part of the same lifecycle.

Come to think of it, what I remember most about my grandfather (besides his gentleness, calming voice and good nature) are the countless life lessons I received from him. In the words of John Dewey, "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." My "Deda" (grandfather in the Slovene language) was the perfect embodiment of that.

Fast forward many years, and I often reflect on my childhood – when the seeds of lifelong learning were sown. I think about the factors, circumstances, motivators, and mindset that contributed to that.

Becoming a Lifelong Learner

Here are the questions I often refer to when it comes to promoting, supporting and inspiring lifelong learning:

  • Can anyone be a lifelong learner?
  • Can you master the art of lifelong learning?
  • What are some ways we can all become lifelong learners?
  • Is lifelong learning connected with a specific mindset?
  • Are there principles or a framework for lifelong learning?
  • Do we "need" to be(come) lifelong learners?
  • What are the benefits of being a lifelong learner?
  • How can the principles of lifelong learning support traditional learning, in the classroom and in the workplace?

What Are Your Learning Values?

When you reflect on those questions, you might discover a lot about your attitudes toward learning, and the values you attach to it.

And that might help you to pinpoint and define the different types of motivation that drive your learning.

Which activities do you choose because they bring you pleasure, for example? When do you learn in order to improve your effectiveness or achieve key goals? And do you ever learn for a purpose bigger than yourself or your job?

Confronting Your Learning Roadblocks

You may even become aware of some generalized beliefs about learning. For example, you might realize that there are thinking patterns that hold you back from continuous learning. Or you may recall some unpleasant memories that have been preventing you from finding joy in learning new things.

Talking about unpleasant memories takes me right back to my piano lessons in primary school. I wanted to play the piano for fun, not professionally. (I knew how concert pianists lived and how hard they worked for their careers, so being a young Pogorelić wasn't what I desired for myself!) As much as I enjoyed playing Bach, Beethoven and Handel, I wanted to play contemporary music. I even wanted to learn to play the Pink Panther theme!

Unfortunately, as my teachers were keen for me to pursue a music career professionally, but I wasn't, I stopped playing entirely after 10 years, and never touched the piano again.

Please Join us!

What: #MTtalk

Where: Twitter

When: March 17 @ 1 p.m. ET (6 p.m. GMT / 11:30 p.m. IST)

Topic: The Art of Lifelong Learning

Host: @Mind_Tools

The Recipe for Learning Success

Lifelong learning is not rocket science. It doesn't need to be perfect and polished. There are, however, two decisive factors that we need to consider when it comes to the success of lifelong learning.

As every good chef will tell you, without salt and pepper, any dish might fail. So, what are the salt and pepper of lifelong learning?

The Salt: Motivation

Not just any type of motivation, though: it's intrinsic motivation that plays a crucial role in any learning. It comes down to the reasons why we do the things that we do. Is it because of the outcome and the results we expect (extrinsic motivation) or because of our interest and enjoyment in the task itself (intrinsic motivation)?

When our actions stem from intrinsic motivation, we learn because of the joy of learning. We enjoy expanding our knowledge and skills and broadening our views. Our purpose of learning is enjoyment, growth, curiosity, self-expression, and fun – not getting good grades, winning prizes, or receiving perks.

When we're motivated by non-material benefits – the sheer joy of learning, any time, any place, and by our own choice – then we're also influencing our learning capacity. If we look at our children and their desire and need to learn daily – be it their first steps, first words, eating with a spoon, walking up and down the stairs, exploring the world around them – we can see that their desire to learn is unstoppable and insatiable. In fact, children have a "fluid" capacity for learning, otherwise known as a growth mindset.

As we grow older and our lives become more intertwined with formal learning and acquiring new skills on demand, our mindset can become fixed. We begin to believe that we've reached the limit of our creativity and skills. We may have become tired of formal, institutionalized learning, or might think that there's simply nothing left to learn (in terms of accredited/certified learning).

Perhaps Albert Einstein worded it better: "Once you stop learning, you start dying."

The Pepper: Mindset

"Learning is about living, and as such is lifelong."

Bente Elkjaer, professor at the Danish School of Education

More than anything else we must embrace all opportunities to learn. Not all knowledge lies in books, nor does all learning happen in the classroom. There are small changes in your thinking that will have an impact. I practice these simple tricks with my students regularly.

For example, replace "I'm not smart" with "I'm really smart when it comes to _________."

Instead of saying "I don't like challenges" say "Overcoming challenges makes me grow."

Change "I don't know how" to "I can learn."

Reframe "I give up" to "I can't succeed if I don't try."

Add to these a few simple personalized goals:

  • Lifelong learning is your responsibility.
  • Identify your learning style and adapt your approach to suit your individual needs.
  • Try new things regularly.
  • Ask (many) questions.
  • Find a mentor and become a mentor to others.
  • Start or join a learning group or find an accountability partner.
  • Put your knowledge and skills into practice (whenever possible).
  • Keep a record of your learning journey.
  • Take advantage of tools, technologies and digital spaces that support learning.

Oh, and don't forget to have fun!

The Art of Lifelong Learning

In our upcoming #MTtalk Twitter chat we'll be discussing why it's important to be a lifelong learner; why you want to keep on learning; and how to accomplish it.

In our Twitter poll this week, we asked why you've continued learning. Sixty-two percent stated that it was for the joy of learning, while only 18 percent claimed to do so to stay ahead of the competition at work. You can see all of the options and results here.

We'd love you to participate in the chat, and the following questions may spark some thoughts in preparation for it:

  • Lifelong learning is a state of mind. Do you agree?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of required/formal learning in school and at work?
  • How would you describe the art of lifelong learning?
  • What are some good tips to apply to lifelong learning in your life/work?
  • What are some of the rewards of being a lifelong learner?
  • What would you most like to learn at this stage in your life/career?
  • How will you encourage others to become lifelong learners?


To help you prepare for the chat, we've compiled a list of resources for you to browse. (Note that you'll need to be a Mind Tools Club or Corporate member to see all of the resources in full.)

Learning Curves

How to Boost Your Self-Motivation Video

Learning Styles

Building Expert Power

Enabling Genius

How to Create a Personal Learning Plan

Journaling for Professional Development


Purposeful Practice

Staying Challenged

Five Moments of Learning Need Video

Virtual Learning

Never Stop Learning

How to Join

Follow us on Twitter to make sure you don't miss out on any of the action this Friday! We'll be tweeting out 10 questions during our hour-long chat. To participate in the chat, type #MTtalk in the Twitter search function. Then, click on "Latest" and you'll be able to follow the live chat feed. You can join the chat by using the hashtag #MTtalk in your responses.

The post The Art of Lifelong Learning – Join Our #MTtalk appeared first on Mind Tools.

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