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4 Powerful Ways to Nurture Your New Leads

Do you want to forge stronger connections with your leads and eventually turn them into customers? If you’re like most business owners and marketers, the answer is yes!

One of the best things you can do to accomplish this task is to nurture your new leads. Simply put, lead nurturing is when you establish and strengthen rapport with your prospects, regardless of where they are in their journey with your brand.

Nurturing includes offering users helpful advice, providing resources, and being there when a visitor runs into a problem that they can’t solve alone.

First impressions can significantly impact how consumers view your business, so you have to start reaching out to visitors when they show interest in your products, services, or company. That’s why today, I’m going to go over several powerful ways you can nurture your new leads and turn them into loyal customers.

Turn Your Blog into an Information Database

Your blog is an excellent way to show your audience that you’re committed to helping them find success. It’s estimated that 77% of internet users read blogs, and that number is steadily increasing each year.

Countless benefits come with frequently publishing high-quality blog posts. For example, companies that publish 16 posts every month see 3.5x more traffic than those that publish 0-4 pieces of content.

The key to nurturing your leads with your blog is to understand their goals and pain points. Think deeply about what questions, concerns, or objectives led a visitor to your site in the first place. If you can address their problem through your content, there’s a good chance first-time visitors will become subscribers, and eventually, customers.

If you’re not sure what type of content your audience wants to see, consider building buyer personas that describe each segment of your audience. So, a marketing firm would likely have different personas for people interested in specific types of marketing. This strategy ensures that you can reach qualified visitors, regardless of why they landed on your site.

It’s also worth mentioning that you can dramatically increase your organic traffic by mixing valuable videos with your written posts. Businesses that include videos on their blog are 53% more likely to rank on the first page of Google for their chosen keyword!

Connect with New Email Subscribers

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you nurture your new leads and turn them into brand advocates. It doesn’t matter if your new prospect downloaded a lead magnet or decided to join your list after reading your blog. There are plenty of opportunities to build rapport with your new subscribers.

The first thing you should do is craft an irresistible welcome email. Believe it or not, welcome emails have an open rate of 82%, which is the highest rate among all marketing messages. I believe the reason for this is that your brand is still fresh in your new subscribers’ minds, and since they just signed up, they are expecting an email from your business.

Your welcome email should set the tone and let users know what to expect next. I suggest asking your subscribers what they want to see from your business in the future. For many people, personalization is a central selling point. In fact, 80% of shoppers say they are more likely to interact with a business if they share content and promotions tailored to their interests.

Once you know what kind of content each subscriber expects, you can segment them into a list that matches their needs. This will add a layer of personalization to all of the emails you send out in the future, which can lead to a boost in engagement. Don’t forget to include small meaningful, personalized touches, too, like using the users’ first names or sending out special birthday promotions.

If used properly, email is easily one of the best ways to nurture your audience, build trust, and increase sales.

Build Rapport on Social Media

You can’t have a conversation about building rapport with your audience without mentioning social media. Nearly 4 billion people use social media, and on average, each user spends 2 hours and 29 minutes on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It’s safe to assume that your target audience is on these platforms and wants to hear from your brand.

This nurturing strategy is a little bit more proactive. You have to spend time on various platforms engaging with your followers if you want to convince them to visit your website, or better yet, buy your product.

There are several ways you nurture your leads across all social media networks. You should start by sharing your best blog content and videos on each platform. But that’s just the beginning. You should also include a question or statement that gives your followers a reason to leave a response in your post.

Once people start commenting on your content, step in and engage with them. You can give actionable advice, share resources (potentially on your site), and show that you want to help them reach their goals, even if they end up not choosing your product or service. This type of commitment will lead to people trusting your brand, and many will become customers because of this approach.

I also recommend hosting events like live webinars, giveaways, and casual live streams. All three of these strategies will get your followers excited and eager to engage with your company. Use this opportunity to learn about your audience, build trust, and show visitors why they should pick your brand over the sea of competitors.

Make Your Customer Service Process Painless

Finally, I want to talk a little about customer service. You have to break the mindset that customer service is only for people who purchase on your site. The truth is, many visitors will reach out to your customer service team before they ever dream of pulling out their debit card.

It makes sense when you think about it. Would you want to invest your time in a product if you still had questions about how it will help you? Most people wouldn’t, and instead, would choose to find a company that gives them direct answers before completing their order.

I’ve found that the best way to run your support system is to invest in omnichannel support. In other words, qualified leads should be able to reach your brand on social media, your website, and through email.

When it comes to running support on your site, I suggest using a combination of chatbots and live support agents. Chatbots are great for helping users that have common questions or concerns. The best part is they can provide visitors with information almost instantaneously.

Your live support team is there to help visitors that have complex problems. They can see the nuance in the situation and give prospects advice that suits their specific questions or concerns.

This strategy also gives you a chance to build trust with your audience and learn more about their interests and habits, which opens the door to plenty of other nurturing opportunities.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that there are many ways you can nurture your leads and turn them into customers. The tips provided above can help you develop a robust strategy that keeps first-time visitors engaged with your business with the hopes that they will eventually become loyal customers.

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