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If you’re having trouble hiring at the moment, you’re not alone. Many companies are reporting having difficulties filling roles at the moment, especially in the tech world. Remote work has expanded the pool of companies candidates can apply to, and potential employees are becoming more critical about the working conditions and perks they’ll accept.

As more companies compete against each other to hire the best candidates, can having a good company culture give your business the competitive edge it needs?

Compensation is more than just salary

Part of what will set your company apart is how you present the full compensation package. Thinking of compensation in a complete way means acknowledging that there is more to is than just salary. Complete and conscious compensation is what you’re offering your candidates if they decide to work for you. This includes:

  • Total salary
  • Equity or stock
  • Paid time off
  • Health and wellness benefits
  • Equipment benefits
  • Workplace location
  • Hours worked
  • Workplace schedules
  • A good company culture

Not every company culture will appeal to every candidate, but for potential employees who are on the fence, hearing more about how you choose to work together could be a benefit that pushes them into a decision.

Company culture is a job perk

If you’ve worked for a few companies, or are mid career, it is likely that you’ve had some bad company culture experiences. If that’s a boss who is always yelling, an environment of extreme stress and no sympathy, or an always on culture; there are lots of ways a company culture can be bad. When choosing their next adventure, it can be a top priority for jobseekers to find a company that has a culture that is a better fit.

If you’re confident in your company culture, it can be beneficial to bring it up as a perk to candidates.

Talking about your good company culture in interviews, however, doesn’t just mean “list off the physical items you will receive if you work here”. Monthly pizza parties aren’t a culture. Same with free beer, company retreats, and lots of swag.

A company culture isn’t necessarily a tangible item that you can promise a candidate, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about it. Hiring should always be a two way street, and having a company culture that suits employees is as important as having employees who fit a company culture.

Ways to talk about your company culture in interviews can include:

  • Talking about your company communication styles, and how this aids collaboration
  • Sharing your company operating values, and how this has led to your success
  • Explaining how diversity and inclusion is at the core of your business, and some of the proactive adaptations you’ve provided for employees

Company culture is fluid

Just because your company culture is one thing right now, doesn’t mean it will be that thing forever. A good company culture should grow and evolve as your company grows and evolves. Especially for scaling tech start ups, and other companies going through rapid growth, what works for a company of ten isn’t going to be right for a company of five hundred.

It’s also important to make sure that when you’re hiring for culture, you’re actively looking for culture additions; not just people who will maintain the status quo. Good ideas come from diverse experiences, and hiring employees with a range of experience and backgrounds is crucial for successful growth.