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Facebook Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Businesses

It’s time to get personal with your social media strategy. The algorithms of popular sites like Facebook and Instagram are changing quickly, so it can be difficult for potential customers or clients to see your updates even when you post them manually.

With nearly 3 billion users, Facebook is an excellent place for business exposure and customer retention. It can target specific audiences you are unable to reach via other methods.

We have some simple tips to help you reach out to your target audience on Facebook. Read on to learn a few new tricks that will get you more likes, followers, and customers.

Use Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic product ads might be the smartest ROI strategy eCommerce sites can use. A chance to bring back hesitant customers by showing them tailored ads based on their activity on your site that speaks directly and personally to each customer’s need is invaluable.

With these ads, you can target users by life stage, location, or interests to maximize ROI while spending the least amount of money.

Dynamic Product Ads can be a great time saver for anyone with hundreds or thousands of products in their catalog. All you have to do is upload your product details.

The beauty is that Dynamic Product ads will automatically pull images, pricing data, and other information from those products into pre-designed templates that give off the perfect marketing vibe, so they can actually be created relatively easily.

Use Multi-Product Ads

Facebook Multi-product ads let marketers show a variety of products in one ad, saving time and clicks. Although it might take a little longer to set up, the payoff is worth it. If you promote several different products in one campaign, your cost per conversion will go down while increasing your sales at once.

Ensure that all of your items have similar call-to-actions, so consumers do not get confused as they make their way through your emails to checkout. This strategy has a low chance of losing your audience’s attention. When you are promoting multiple products at once, make sure to be specific about what each product is and the value it brings to your customer by designating them with relevant information.

Benefits of Using Multi-Product Ads

  • Your customers can choose from more products with the help of Multi-Product Ads.
  • You can increase conversions with them. A customer is more likely to purchase a product if they see more relevant products.
  • The benefits of one product can also be demonstrated using the graph.
  • You can define a specific product you want to promote rather than promoting all of them.

Install Conversion Tracking Facebook Pixel

Facebook Coding

Source: weareyatter.com

A conversion-tracking pixel tracks your customers’ behavior on the website through a small snippet of code. However, it does so much more than that. Not only will it track your store’s conversions, but at the same time, Facebook will add more information to your customer profiles.

It helps you see which marketing strategies work the best and let you know where you should be focusing your efforts. The best part about Facebook’s pixel technology is that it is easy to set up, and the data collected from it will be used in future marketing campaigns. The Facebook pixel comes with three key tracking methods:

1. URL Tracking Pixel

Tracks conversions that happen on your site, helping you understand where people are going once they arrive. It lets you see which ads work for conversion tracking and where people initially came from before converting. There are various reporting options available as well, allowing you to filter by specific ad sets or target audience demographics.

2. Remarketing Pixel

This pixel removes visitors who left without making a purchase and shows them personalized ads that remind them of their previous activity on the site to bring them back for another purchase. It allows more users to find out about your products and services, increasing the potential for conversions.

3. Event Tracking Pixel

It tracks conversions that happen on your site, helping you determine which events lead to those conversions. You can also find out where people click and how much time they spend on the page, giving you a detailed understanding of what appeals to your customer base.

It is an effective strategy for determining if your product pages are written in such a way that entices visitors to make a purchase immediately or whether they need further convincing before making their decision.

Conversion tracking pixels are very versatile in their uses. In addition to tracking conversions, you can also use it to track website visitors, build audience lists, and even run A/B tests between different versions of ads or landing pages.

Whichever type of pixel tracking you choose, make sure you use only one at a time so that results will be as accurate as possible.

While tracking on your site is essential to generate customer insight into what they want from the start, Facebook conversion tracking is excellent for those who may not be ready to take the plunge into eCommerce yet.

If you’re trying out digital marketing before jumping in headfirst with your store, this is an excellent way to test the waters while still being able to see what works and what doesn’t before you decide to go for it.

Run General Retargeting Campaigns

72% of online shoppers on average abandon their carts without completing a purchase

You can use the Facebook Pixel to create a retargeting campaign that follows customers around as they explore and shop other sites. It will remind them of your products and services, giving you a chance to grab their attention and try persuading them to come back for another visit.

eCommerce companies have been using this tactic for years, and it has proven to be very effective. Through your data analysis, you can also determine if any of those browsing but not buying are potential leads that may become customers in the future, giving you a chance to retarget them when they are ready.

You can also send Facebook event data to Google Analytics. To do so, you must set up the Pixel on your site and then follow through with a few other steps. You will need to create audience lists based on different events and then designate which events should automatically trigger them.

Understand Customer Behavior Through Facebook Page Insights

Facebook Analytics Insights

Source: searchenginejournal.com

Social media marketers spend their days looking at customer behavior on digital channels. They use it as an effective way to determine what content resonates most with customers and what kind of messaging prompts engagement.

Analyzing page insights is another excellent way of determining consumer behavior, except this time, it’s happening on your website instead of someone else’s. It provides you with general information about how people are interacting with the store, including:

  • How often visitors return – you can find out how many people visit your site, when they tend to see most frequently, and what parts of the store or product pages are popular with customers.
  • What products or services they’re interested in – through Google Analytics or insights, you can see which products have been visited and purchased. It is essential information to know because it will allow you to optimize the layout on your site and focus on those particular items that show the most potential for sales growth.
  • Which content gets shared the most – this data helps social media marketers understand the engagement rate, which types of posts get more likes, shares, comments, etc., indicating which topics resonate best with their target audience. Make sure all future content reflects these findings so that reach increases even more.

Use Testimonials from Customers on Your Brand Page

It’s important to show potential customers how happy people who have already purchased from you are with their decision. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to convert other business owners who may be hesitant about making that same purchase themselves after seeing all of the potential risks involved. While providing testimonials on your website is essential, it’s also great to demonstrate this in a way that can be shared with potential customers.

The best part about using social media for eCommerce business is getting much more interaction from the customer on top of testimonials. There are questions asked and answered, responses given to complaints or concerns, etc., allowing for further growth in the number of likes or followers and personal relationships between businesses and their customers.

Create Discounts and Incentives Using Custom Promotions

Creating promotions within Facebook allows you to bring even more attention to your brand without necessarily spending more money on ads themselves (although they will still cost money either way).

It works well if you’re offering free shipping, free returns, or a “buy-one-get-one” (BOGO) deal where customers can purchase two items and only pay for the one they like the most. One of the best parts about using custom promotions to your advantage is that they can be easily updated as often as you’d like to show new deals and discounts each time a new customer visits your page.

While having your online store can take away some of that personal feel of shopping with others in person, social media marketing helps bring this back into play. It allows you to connect with potential or current customers more meaningfully than just selling them products.

Because it also gives them a chance to see who else is involved in running the business: what kind of company they’re dealing with and whether it’s the kind of brand they would be proud to support.

Facebook and Instagram advertising are on the rise, especially with their new algorithms that make it harder for businesses like yours to attract new customers organically through their pages.

Consider partnering up with a social media manager or an experienced agency who can help you set up specific strategies based on your business goals while helping you get the most out of your ads so that you’re not spending money without seeing results.

Tell Your Brand Story Through Ads

Your Brand Story Through Ads

Source: disruptiveadvertising.com

Every business should have a brand story, even if you’re selling products or services that don’t usually warrant one. You can use your Facebook ads to tell customers about the beginning of your business and why you started it in the first place.

It will allow them to understand what goes into every purchase they make from you and show their support by making those purchases more often. The best thing about telling this story is that it’s always relevant, whether it’s an anniversary sale for your fifth anniversary, a sale on Black Friday or your employees supporting the local school, as part of your company’s tradition to give back to the community.

Letting potential customers know why you do what you do (and why you care) helps create an emotional connection with them because it shows that they’re supporting more than just your business but also part of your mission.

If you have a physical store, you can even use this as a way to get people in the door and shopping (or at least on Facebook). Offer a discount for anyone who shows up at the store with an ad they’ve saved from their phone or printed out to redeem it instantly.

It will give them immediate savings while helping promote your other products and services to people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

Work With Influencers To Get Your Products Out There

When using social media marketing for business, it’s important to find influencers within similar niche groups so that they may be able to help spread awareness about your company simply by posting something once or twice.

They don’t have to like or share any of your posts. Still, it never hurts to ask if you can offer them something they couldn’t do themselves, like exclusive discounts, free giveaways, or just general promotion for their page whenever they share something about you instead.

Remember that you don’t want to overdo it with requests. While influencers can have a lot of power behind them, they still need to connect with their audiences and show up as part of your brand too often can sour the relationship between those two parties instead of making either one stronger.

It is also an excellent way for smaller businesses or startups because it will not cost you anything if they turn you down.

You’re building relationships with other people in your industry who are more established than you, so take advantage of this and offer up whatever advice or promotional materials you feel are appropriate. You never know what kind of connections could lead to something bigger down the road, especially when you already have an established presence online.

Create A Cohesive Social Media Strategy With Your Marketing Team

While there are some ways that you can do this on your own, there are a lot of specific marketing strategies for Facebook, Instagram, and other social networking sites for which you’ll want to consult an expert.

It isn’t something that will go away after you’ve got your business up and running either because the algorithms change frequently based on how people use social media in general. If anything, those changes could be more frequent now than they were before, thanks to the tools users have available with their smartphones all day, every day.

Make sure that any marketing team or manager you decide to work with is familiar with your brand’s mission statement so that they know what values you’re looking to uphold when it comes to your interactions with other people.

Since you don’t want mistakes to reflect poorly on the company as a whole, this is also a good way for you and all of your employees to be consistent in how you interact and respond to others online.

Keep An Eye On Your Competitors And What They’re Doing Online

An Eye On Your Competitors

Source: hallaminternet.com

Your competitors are your best friends. This may sound counterintuitive at first. But while nobody wants to be in a competitive marketplace, it does have its advantages. This is especially true if you’re looking at what they’re doing right and attempting to do the same things yourself on social media marketing platforms.

If your competitor is getting more likes than you on Facebook or Instagram, try to find out why that might be to fix whatever issue may be affecting your page and make it better for everyone involved.

It could also mean that they offer something unique that gets people excited about their products which will instantly sell themselves with no other advertising. Find out how they accomplish this effect, so you know how to match it when it comes for you to improve things.

Social media marketing for business doesn’t have to be unique either since most companies will use similar strategies based on their respective. You don’t want to copy them, but this is a good way for you to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in your niche group and keep abreast of what the people around you are up to.

It can come in handy if one of your competitors does something that works well because it allows you to try similar strategies and see if they work on your end, too, without reinventing the wheel or spending more money than necessary.

It also means that you’ll know how to respond when another brand within your industry tries something new, which can give you an advantage right from the beginning.

Strengthen Existing Customer Relationships And New Ones, Too

When you’re focused on social media marketing for business, you want to make sure that your brand is as consistent as possible. It doesn’t just apply to how your team interacts with customers in person or over the phone either since there are many cases where people will bring up your company on social media if they have a complaint or want to praise one of your products.

As long as the conversation stays positive, this can be beneficial for both parties involved. You’ll get additional exposure for bringing the customer’s attention back to what they initially loved about you and making it more likely that other people read about it too to see what kind of experiences others had with you.

Controlling The Conversation Can Be A Good Thing (Sometimes)

After you’ve been in business for a while, some people will become disgruntled with the way they were treated or didn’t like your products. While you and your team can always apologize and try to make things right, sometimes it’s better if that conversation goes away completely.

Since potential customers will check social media profiles before interacting with businesses in person or over the phone, this is an opportunity for you to control what information about your brand reaches the public eye first, too.

It could mean anything from removing negative reviews and replacing them with more positive ones to responding quickly and politely as soon as someone mentions anything about your company online. You want to take every chance you get when interacting directly with customers online.

Social media marketing must be well planned. The idea is that you have to build a following, and this cannot be achieved overnight. It would help if you worked hard at it before your business sees any tangible results from the campaign; otherwise, you will have wasted some time and money on social media marketing for business.

If you are not sure where to start with your social media marketing for business efforts, there’s no reason why you can’t use some help from an expert online or offline source as long as they’re reliable.

Bottom Line:

Marketing on Facebook is a very powerful tool for businesses. It will help you promote your business on social media and bring in more customers to your business. You have to know how to use it effectively. If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact the best social media company out there and see what our team of experienced marketing experts can do for you.

This article was previously published on SocialSellinator’s blog.

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