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11 Must-Try Landing Page Trends & Ideas for 2022 (with Examples!)

I wouldn’t advocate for jumping on many marketing trends. In most cases, by the time you’ve noticed that every marketing agency sends an animated holiday email or every startup has silly photos on their team pages, the moment’s already passed. But landing page trends are important to try out. You want to stand out against your competitors, and you don’t want your brand—and your conversion rates—to fall behind. In order to do both, you need to keep consistently testing your landing pages to make sure you’re appealing to your audience and encouraging conversions.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - ab testing stat

So we rounded up the patterns we’re already starting to see on effective landing pages, including interactive experiences, playful animation, and so much more. Here are the landing page trends and ideas that are must-try for 2022.

11 landing page ideas & trends for 2022

If you decide to try out any of these ideas, don’t forget to stick to landing page best practices like keeping them consistent with their corresponding ads, optimizing for mobile, having a thank you page, and more.

1. Interactive, customizable experience

I didn’t put this list in order and rank these trends, but this first landing page trend might be my favorite: interactive landing pages for a customizable experience. Interactive content is a great way to increase engagement and time on page—both good things for your landing page performance.

More importantly, though, offering your landing page visitors the opportunity to customize their experience with your brand in a fun, appealing way is good for building customer relationships. That’s because people want personalized content. In fact, 90% of US customers reported that they find messaging that wasn’t personalized or relevant “annoying.” Yikes. Luckily, you can avoid that.

Take a look at this landing page example from monday.com.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - interactive content

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This is the landing page from a software-focused ad, and the copy already reflects this personalization. Then, the tool lets you select the templates you’d need to get a better look at how Monday.com could help your team—a fun way to customize your first intro to the product.

2. Conversational copy

Most landing page trends are design-focused. This makes sense—landing page design is usually the first thing a visitor notices, and it’s usually the first thing to start looking dated. (Or, worse, when you think of anything that requires Flash.)

This year, though, conversational copy is a must-try trend. Check out PayPal’s chatty landing page here.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - conversational copy

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Opening with a question is an effective way to invite your visitor to engage, and the casual tone of “Want some?” makes these sound like more of an offer than an opportunity. Excellent way to encourage conversions with your landing page. Try adding a conversational feel to your landing page copy and see what comes of it.

3. Explainer videos

I’ll be honest, I was hesitant to put video on the list (it can’t be a trend if it’s more of an expectation at this point, can it?), but when you look at the best landing page examples, you see that it’s not just any videos. It’s explainer videos that illustrate the product and its use.

Explainer videos are short clips, often with a product view and voiceover, that walk the user through your company’s product or service. Here’s an example from Miro, a visualization tool that’s already using this landing page trend.

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Including videos is great for increasing conversions on your landing page. Explainer videos seem to perform even better. According to HubSpot, 94% of people report watching explainer videos to find out more about a product, and 84% report being influenced into making a purchase.

4. Customer reviews

If you’re running a small business right now, you know that your online reviews are important. Whether it’s a social media shout-out, a Google My Business review, or a suggestion on Reddit, an unsolicited positive view of your goods or services is valuable social proof. It lets you know what your current customers enjoy and, even more, it gives your prospective customers a personalized recommendation. And we all trust personalized recommendations more than even the best ad copy or images.

That’s why it’s not surprising that one of the landing page trends for this year is using customer reviews so that any visitor sees them right away. Chameleon does this really well—check out the header view here.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - chameleon example

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Here, Chameleon uses persuasive copy geared toward product managers and product marketers with some illustrated examples of in-app messaging. Then, if you scroll down, you see real reviews from G2 that are related to Chameleon’s in-app messaging capabilities.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - customer reviews

G2 is a respected site for reviews, and using the logo and reviews from here makes it clear that these are trustworthy from other product managers who probably know what they’re doing. With these targeted, trustworthy reviews and the personalized copy, Chameleon’s landing page is compelling for its specific audience.

5. Email-only forms

No one wants to fill out multiple fields to sign up for a newsletter or start a free trial. You don’t, I don’t, your leads don’t. That’s why in 2022, we’ll see even more email-only forms on landing pages.

If you’re looking to increase your landing page conversion rates, you should try out this landing page trend, too. Omnisend research found that most landing pages use only one field and, even more, conversion rates fall dramatically after three fields.

landing page ideas and trends of 2022 - average signup rate vs form fields

And while we’re on the topic of forms, take a page out of our book of best landing page tips and test the position of the form on your landing page.

6. Gender-neutral copy and gender-inclusive forms

If you’re going to ask for additional information, make sure you’re doing it the right way. Gender inclusivity is important to keep in mind for your landing page design and copy, and in general. At WordStream, for instance, the style guide outlines that “they” is used for a singular pronoun for hypotheticals instead of defaulting to a he or she. It’s important to keep this in mind for your landing pages, too, as gender neutral copy is quickly becoming an expectation for 2022 design.

Facebook has been doing this for years for users setting up social profiles, offering dozens of gender options and adding more as needed. Snapchat, on the other hand, doesn’t ask for a gender for its users.

Now, these are two social platforms, but it’s still good to keep this in mind for your landing page copy and your form fill options. If you need a title, then be sure to include Mx., and if you need a gender, be sure to offer multiple gender identities as well as a “Rather not say” option.

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7. Animation with motion

Video and interactive content can make your landing page more engaging for your audience—and we already know that we’re going to see more of this in landing page design over the next year. Another landing page trend we’ll see: animation with motion.

Here’s a great example from Podcorn of how subtle motion can be effective:

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The movement here is light, the imagery is playful, and the effect is perfect.

8. Playful imagery

Playful imagery another landing page design trend to test out this year—particularly if it works for your brand. This means lots of line-heavy animation (like in the previous example from Podcorn), abstract elements (like the background of the Chameleon example above), and lots of bold color. It can also mean mixing animation with photographs or product images.

Take a look at ContentCal uses this last tactic for playful imagery.

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Here, ContentCal mixes bold, classic colors with abstract designs with animated product images and photos of real humans. Together, these elements make for a playful, appealing landing page.

9. Early-aughts design

In case you haven’t heard, the early-aughts are back. That means low-rise jeans, hair clips, graphic shirts, glitter lip gloss—basically many of the reasons I’m glad Instagram didn’t exist to capture some cringeworthy outfits during middle school or high school years. It also means the design aesthetic in general—glossy images, glitter, bubble fonts, bright colors.

Now that the aesthetic is back, this trend is openly a throwback and that nostalgia is great for appealing to emotions and attracting customers. This is what makes Glossier’s landing page design great.

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The red and pink is thick, and the mirror is playful and adds shine that corresponds to the second part of this landing page. In that image, the bottles are bright oy glittery, they’re playfully tilted, and they’re sitting on a shiny reflective surface. Even more, though, the stacked graphics coordinate colors with the other images and overlap in places—just like the logo stickers. Well done.

10. Dreamy backgrounds

We’ve gone over a lot of elements of landing pages so far, including the copy, imagery, video, design. But we haven’t talked about one big element: the background. This year, we can expect to see even more dreamy, gradients in landing page backgrounds.

Google made Core Web Vitals a search ranking factor earlier this year, and there is another update expected early in 2022. That means that having a quick load time is more important than ever. Making sure your images are compressed and your page has lazy-load enabled are good places to start. A dreamy, gradient background can also add depth to your design without increasing the load time.

Here’s a great example of this in action from Starry Internet.

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Even though this blue is bright, it’s light and the peach that it fades into by the bottom contributes to the topsy-turvy dreamy feel—without adding more design elements.

11. Coral

Pantone released its predictions for 2022: warm, familiar, comforting colors. At the top of the list for next spring? Coral. This is going to be a landing page trend, too.

This color fits with some larger themes that we’ve seen here—dreamy, approachable playful, simple. The color is warm and light, which makes it ideal for a background or accents on your page. Or, you can go all-in, like the Recess does on its landing page below.

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I love this monochromatic look: the background gradient, the product colors, the reflection on the box and in the clouds, and even the button colors. It’s an excellent use of this landing page trend—and what could call for trendy more than a CBD seltzer right now?

Try out these landing page trends in the new year

That was a lot—animation, videos, backgrounds, forms. But that’s because there are so many ways to make effective landing pages. Here’s a recap of the landing page trends you need to try in 2022:

  1. Interactive experiences
  2. Conversational copy
  3. Explainer videos
  4. Customer reviews
  5. Email-only forms
  6. Gender-neutral form fills
  7. Animation with motion
  8. Playful imagery
  9. Early-aughts design
  10. Dreamy backgrounds
  11. Coral color

And remember, when you’re trying out new landing pages, you need to test these elements to see what works best for you and your audience. Who knows, these landing page trends could soon turn into landing page musts for your brand!

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