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The Transformative Leader: Key to a True Change In Companies

We live in a convulsed world, which has exponential acceleration rates in terms of technology and connectivity, with high levels of uncertainty and ambiguity that we experience every day. This translates into a significant increase in the rate of obsolescence of the ways of working in an organization that must change.

We still see transformation processes that use old management techniques, based on pressure on work teams that, although obviously, in the short term, can achieve some kind of result, this pressure becomes unsustainable and ends up weakening and decimating to collaborators generating unwanted results. The more we push the system, the more the system pushes us in the same direction and in the opposite direction.

The leader who pushes generates greater resistance to change: People can be more or less permeable to change, but nobody likes to be pushed or forced to change.

One of the keys to preventing all of this from happening is training existing leaders. A very important task, which many times requires helping them to deconstruct their own beliefs and mental models about what it means to lead, which allowed them to be successful up to a certain point, but which today could become an anchor in their progress.

I believe old paradigms still installed in the culture such as vertical work, the concepts of authority, planning, management control, or even the very concept of strategic plan that were the strongholds of management in the 80s and 90s. They are under scrutiny to be reviewed in the light of more dynamic strategies that are evolving, learning and recalculating as we move forward.

The transformative leader is the fundamental piece so that the change processes are viable and sustainable. Your role must be marked by a set of qualities:

Entrepreneurial spirit to challenge the status quo, to propose, to give an opinion, to get out of the known and explore new ways of doing things.

Ability to convene and influence to integrate perspectives or points of view, reconcile different interests inside and outside an organization with a common objective.

Develop teams and people to generate a sufficient critical mass of action to allow this organizational transformation. Developer because it grows by enhancing the capabilities and resources of the people around it.

Empower your collaborators. The transformative leader believes, trusts and develops his collaborators in such a way that it is they and their results that shine.

Patient because he looks at the short, medium and long term. He knows that to reap the fruits it is first necessary to prepare the ground, sow and provide permanent resources for that idea or that small initiative to expand and evolve.

The transformative leader is the one who has broken the old planning and management models, and has dabbled in beta work models where he launches into reflective action in increasing iterative learning processes. In this sense, the transformative leader embraces the error because he understands that it is there where there is an opportunity for growth, innovation and improvement. It does not look for culprits, but understands errors as phenomena that occur in the organizational system and that give us valuable information to continue evolving. But also, they know how to learn from their achievements, recognize the patterns and dynamics that led them to achieve them so that they can be replicated in the future.

We describe the role and qualities of those who can lead the way to make changes happen, but leading a transformation cannot be carried out through recipes. If there is something that I learned throughout my 15 years of experience, it is that leadership and transformation are an art, which, supported by tools and methodology, requires a lot of sensitivity, active listening and a capacity for maneuver to be able to work so hard. with the emerging ones, as with the obstacles and with the opportunities that arise as we make our way as we walk.

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