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Top 6 Tips for Implementing a Successful Push Notification Strategy in 2022

One of the best ways to grab attention and market to your audience is by using push notifications.
Having said that, you also need to have a solid strategy to make the best of this powerful marketing tool.

Do you want to get more newsletter subscribers in 2022? More sales? More social media followers? And more of everything that grows your business?

Then this post is for you. We’ll look at how you can use push notification strategies to grow your business. Dive in!

Optimize every push message element

Push messages can provide your users with a great deal of value when you use them well. To start with, learn about the ‘anatomy’ of your push notification tool.

A good push notification platform for desktops will have elements like a logo, color options, and more. Here’s a brief breakdown of these elements.

Web Push Notifications Details
The anatomy of a push notification message.
  • Site icon: Your website icon tells users which website or brand is sending them a message
  • Title: It’s the mean headline that communicates a message in one line
  • The Push message: It’s where you provide more details and share the value you have to offer
  • Image: this optional feature is where you can add a visual to attract more interest
  • CTA: the call to action button plays an important role – it gets users to take action that you want them to

Start by understanding all the elements you have available to play with. You can use these elements to create an unlimited combination of messages and drive conversions.

Use Screen Overlays

When push notifications are overused on other sites, people will block or dismiss an invitation to get messages on your site almost automatically. To overcome this, use a screen overlay.

A screen overlay is a semi-transparent ‘cover’ that appears over the page a user is on. You can design this to add arrows and text pointing to the message asking people to opt-in for push content.

Example of a screen overlay by a fashion retail site

I suggest that you convey the value of opting in to get push messages. I use push notifications to make sure that I don’t miss important work messages. Similarly, tell your audience that they’ll save money by getting notifications for a discount. Or that they’ll have early bird access by opting in.

When you combine the use of screen overlays with real value – you’ll see higher subscription rates.

Delay when your message appears

Nothing puts people off more than when your marketing tactics interrupt their ability to consume content.

To make your website readers more receptive to opting into your push content, delay when your optin push content appears.

Let people have a few seconds or minutes to check out your content. You can then trigger your push notifications to appear – which is less disruptive.

Leverage segmentation

One of the factors that significantly improve the success of your push messages is segmentation.

It’s no secret that the more you personalize your content, the better it does. And this is true for your push notifications.

There are different ways to segment your push subscribers. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  • Product and content categories: If you have a website with content or products that belong to different categories, then you can create push notifications that are customized for these categories. For example, eCommerce businesses can set up push messages that are different for shoes Vs trousers
  • User activities: When users do things like add a product to ‘favorites’ or watch videos, you can use these actions to segment users and figure out the kind of content to display to them in the future
  • Product plans and levels: If you offer different tiers of products and subscriptions, then this is another way to segment your push subscribers. You can create more tailored content and offer discounts that convince people to take up a higher subscription

Keep looking for ways to segment your audience. You’ll learn more about your users and provide content that will appeal to them too.

Take timing into consideration

The timing of your push messages matters a great deal. You want to avoid sending push messages when people are busy or inactive.

The most obvious times you should avoid sending messages are at night when your users are asleep – unless your demographic is active late at night.

You can do some split testing or study your audience to find out which times they’re most active and then send your notifications at the time.

Create drip campaigns

Did you know that push messages don’t have to appear randomly or in isolation? Instead, you can create a series of push messages that appear one after the other. It’s like water droplets falling from a tap.

The benefit of creating a drip campaign is that it can be fully automated. Once you create a series of messages, they’ll launch on their own according to a timeframe that you specify.

You can set up drip push notifications for the following purposes:


  • Cart abandonment: When a user adds a product to the shopping cart and leave without buying, you can still bring them back with the right message. Creating a series of push messages with discounts and reminders is an effective way to manage abandoned carts
  • Onboarding: Do you have a new customer joining your SaaS subscription or online class? Get them started with helpful tips via push content
  • Cross-selling and upselling: If a person bought a product, chances are that they’ll be interested in something related to it. For example, eCommerce businesses can use push messages to suggest a sunglass buyer to also buy a hat


In this way, you can set up campaigns asking people to review a product, by sharing information about sales, and other interesting factors.


Push notifications are proven tools to create sales. But you do have to strategize well to create the best effect. I’ve shared powerful ways you can make push notifications work for you in 2022. Start planning for a boost in revenue next year by working on these strategies today.

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