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8 Top Channels to Recruit Generation Z Using a SaaS for Recruitment

There has probably been no other time when the importance of generations was as discussed as nowadays. It’s been one of the burning issues in the past few years, influencing how marketers establish their strategies and how businesses sell their products.

Using the same formula to appeal to those in their fifties and twenties is unlikely to work. Each age group has different values, preferences, and objectives that align with their stage of life.

That also affects people’s careers and what matters to them the most in the workplace. However, we live in extraordinary times, where four generations are active in the workforce.

The four generations are Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980), Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), and Generation Z (loosely, born between 1997 and 2015).

These four make a multigenerational workforce, meaning that companies and recruiters shouldn’t apply the same standards, expectations, and perks to everyone. They all have a unique generational identity that impacts what they expect from recruiters and employers.

As the new kids on the block, Gen-Z members are the youngest professionals entering the world of work and will make up 27 percent of the workforce by 2025. If you want to improve your hiring initiatives and use technology efficiently to attract this generation, here’s what you should know about them.

Meet Generation Z: What Makes Them Different?

A large portion of people still classify teenagers and young adults as Generation Y. Yet, that’s not the case anymore.

Although media often calls them millennials, the youth of today is Gen-Z. Not understanding the difference between these two generations could result in inaccurate advertising, profiling, and talent attraction.

Moreover, millennials are no longer the largest segment of the population in the world. Instead, that title belongs to Gen-Z.

These young people make up 32 percent of the global population – or 2.47 billion of the 7.7 billion people on Earth. Hence, Generation Z is the power that will shape the world of tomorrow.

These teenagers and young adults are skeptical, woke, and care about societal issues. They care about the impact of their actions, and many consider them social justice warriors.

Despite being open-minded and liberal, Gen-Z has more pessimistic viewpoints than its predecessors, millennials. As individuals who grew up during or after the Great Recession and went to school or graduated during the COVID-19 pandemic, this generation is cautious and cares about creating a better future.

Moreover, Gen-Z stands for transgender rights, neutral pronouns, feminism, and racial equity.

The media often portrays them as tech addicts and TikTok slackers, Gen-Z uses social media to learn, connect, and monetize their skills. Indeed, technology plays an integral role in their lives, making them digitally savvy and knowledgeable.

However, the genuine passion of Generation Z is human rights. It’s no wonder that 30 percent major in science and social sciences. – Only about ten percent of Gen-Z choose business.

It’s also significant to mention that this generation has a shorter attention span (eight seconds) than their predecessors. Because of that, Gen-Z enjoys crisp and creative content, videos, and immersive technologies.

Their preferred social media channels are Instagram and YouTube. However, the younger part of Gen-Z spends most of their time on TikTok, watching or creating content.

But when it comes to their preferences, it’s beneficial to know that other than the two waves of Generation Z (teenagers and young adults), marketers and recruiters should also consider the microgeneration called Zillennials.

Who are Zillennials?

Zillennials represent the microgeneration of people born between 1993 and 1998. These individuals often feel too young to relate to millennials and too old to identify as generation Z.

These twenty-somethings are tech-savvy, ironic, and torn between using Instagram and Facebook. Zillennials have an unyielding work ethic but believe in making their dreams come true.

Considering that they grew up when social media took over, these networks come naturally to them. Zillennials remember life without the internet but also find it challenging to disconnect.

Because of that, balance is of paramount importance to these individuals. Today, Zillennials can hardly imagine life without technology but don’t want tech to consume them.

As they’re steadily approaching their 30s, these persons care about workplace flexibility, remote options, and generous employee perks. They also demand respect from recruiters and want a candidate experience that includes regular updates and communication.

Although Zillennials share similar traits with both millennials and Gen-Z, when targeting individuals between 24 and 28 years old, remember that they still use Facebook, LinkedIn, and emails and appreciate creative content, regardless of length.

Gen-Z in the Workplace: What Matters the Most to the Youngest Job Seekers?

As a diverse generation, Gen-Z cares about inclusion in the workplace. They want to work in positive work environments, where employees get the respect and fair treatment they deserve.

This generation also finds it essential to have a career that makes a positive impact on the world. Besides hoping to work in companies that respect minorities and sustainability, Gen-Z is also practical and has high standards concerning their future workplace.

For instance, 70 percent find health insurance to be their priority. These individuals are coming of age in turbulent times, so it isn’t surprising they find security significant.

But don’t think that Gen-Z members are only idealists who don’t care about their finances. Instead, 63 percent consider a competitive salary to be their priority number two.

Technology is another factor that highly influences whether Gen-Z members find a job opportunity appealing. For example, 80 percent aspire to work in companies that use cutting-edge tech.

Because of that, it’s recommendable to display your technology capabilities early on, leveraging stellar digital platforms and showcasing that your organization keeps up with the times. Moreover, use a tech-first approach in recruitment because this generation believes that automation will create a more equitable work environment.

Generation Z values flexibility but prefers to work in an office and a team. That’s understandable because young adults build their connections in the workplace, which could be challenging in remote work.

Employee perks and benefits, such as mental health days, skills growth, paid time-off, and team activities, are also significant for Gen-Z.

Avoid traditional methods and efforts because Generation Z appreciates innovation and is increasingly skeptical towards authorities and conservative values. Growing up in a time of societal upheavals, social media pressure, and fake news turned them into critical thinkers who can relate to progressive minds and bold initiatives.

Because of that, Gen-Z demands transparency and wants to know what they can expect from a company and its culture. Moreover, they hope to immerse themselves in a work environment that shares a similar purpose and qualities.

They will also likely gravitate towards modern companies that share that interest and know their way around social media channels.

Indeed, attracting the best Gen-Z talents might be a demanding undertaking, but if you establish a concise strategy and answer their needs, you’ll succeed in reaching their attention. It’s also essential to think differently and leverage your tech because these young adults want a unique approach.

Show them that you understand how they think and provide an innovative workplace where they can grow and stay true to themselves. On the other hand, avoid trying too hard and ensure every strategy comes to your company naturally because Gen-Z can sense when something isn’t genuine.

Get More Gen-Z Talents Using a Combination of Relevant Channels and Recruitment SaaS

Regardless of the tools and appliances you use, be straightforward, honest, and creative. Zillennials and Gen-Z are stellar evaluators and appreciate job descriptions that openly state all work conditions, employee benefits, and company values.

The recruitment process should manifest your care for their well-being and show interest in employee wellness. Demonstrate transparent communication from the moment you first reach out to Gen-Z because that’s a primary attribute they look for in a boss.

After learning how Generation Z thinks and what kind of recruitment and workplace they expect, it’s time to move on to using the combination of their favorite channels and SaaS software to attract them.

Top 8 Channels to Recruit Generation Z

1. Instagram

About 71 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds use Instagram. Regardless of what some might think, this prevalently visual platform isn’t going anywhere.

Generation Z enjoys spending time on Instagram to interact with brands beyond the storefront. For example, 78 percent of Gen-Z report using it to learn about new brands and 76 percent to communicate with companies.

This generation is familiar with privacy issues but wants businesses to make smarter decisions using their information. That is good news for your business because Gen-Z appreciates organizations that start online conversations and want to know them better.

Create content that entices two-way interactions, immerse Gen-Z in meaningful discussions that create interest in your organization, and share your job ads on this platform.

Keep your Instagram profile updated, fresh, and informative as that shows your company is social-savvy. That way, you could even encourage Gen-Z job seekers to reach out to you, looking for information about available vacancies.

2. TikTok

You might be surprised to find a video-driven platform on a list of social media channels you should use to attract Generation Z. However, this generation, especially the younger members, increasingly gravitate towards TikTok.

Forty-eight percent of Gen-Z use this app because they can express themselves through photos and videos and connect with people.

Regardless of how you feel about it, this platform is the place to be. If you want to reach the youngest talents, you should be present on TikTok.

However, you don’t have to do it directly. Create a program to encourage and reward employees who share content on TikTok about your company for example.

But you can also consider creating a company profile and sharing educational videos and how-to’s relevant to your industry. Get closer to Generation Z, showcasing the innovativeness of your business and willingness to connect with your target audience.

3. YouTube

Video content is, undoubtedly, the key to connecting with the youngest job seekers. For example, 89 percent of Gen-Z use YouTube, making it one of their favorite social platforms.

Use that data to your advantage and establish an influential presence on this channel, offering educational videos, employee interviews, and office video tours. YouTube gives you endless options for content creation that could help you enhance your employer branding and present yourself as an attractive workplace.

Although it might not be the best place to post job ads, it’s a stellar platform for candidate sourcing and building a talent pool. Use it to demonstrate your expertise, inform your audience about available opportunities, and stay ahead of your competition.

4. Twitter

Twitter is typically the first social network to share the latest news and start intriguing conversations. It’s no wonder that nearly half of all tweets sent between May 2020 and May 2021 came from Twitter users aged 16-24.

If you want to attract progressive and outspoken young adults, you can’t skip this platform. Generation Z likes brands that let them take action. Leverage that to create Twitter Pools, run contests, ask questions, encourage feedback, and share job opportunities. Thus, not every company has a strong presence on this platform, giving you access to an untapped talent pool.

5. Facebook

Baby Boomers and Generation X are probably the most prevalent demographic on Facebook. It’s no surprise that its CEO Mark Zuckerberg hopes to improve its strategies and attract younger people.

Because of that, Facebook shouldn’t be your primary channel of attracting Gen-Z. But despite the number of young users decreasing, 69 percent of Generation Z still use this platform.

Build a professional Facebook profile as it will allow you to communicate with potential candidates with more ease and add them to your talent pool. Share engaging content, job openings, and find groups where your ideal job applicants love to spend time.

6. LinkedIn

You probably expected to see LinkedIn at the top of the list, but most Gen-Z members don’t like to hang on this platform. They perceive it as Boomer-oriented, complicated to use, and self-promoting.

Hence, you shouldn’t be surprised that although over 50 percent of young adults in the US age 19-24 have LinkedIn, 96 percent rarely or never use it. That isn’t to say that you shouldn’t include this channel in your recruitment strategy.

The goal is to connect with active members of Generation Z and present yourself as innovative, straightforward, and witty. Avoid trying hard to be cool because that’s something these young adults loath.

Instead, use video content, don’t be overly serious, and nurture youthful energy. That way, you could source great Gen-Z candidates and add them directly to your talent pool via recruitment SaaS.

7. Job Boards

Job boards are unlikely to become outdated as they’re the best place to find plenty of available vacancies. Concerning that 55 percent of Gen-Z members plan to look for a new job within three years, you should leverage your SaaS recruitment’s integrations to share job ads across various channels and automatically receive all applications.

Include details about the work conditions in your job descriptions but be straightforward and let Gen-Z job seekers know what to expect. Refer to our complete job posting guide for more information on how to leverage job boards.

8. Employee Referrals

Nobody knows a company better than its employees. Thanks to that, they also know who would be a good fit for their organization.

Leverage your employees’ social networks by creating an employee referral program and encourage your staff to recommend candidates. Incentives (financial or other) can be a great way to motivate your employees to go the extra mile and become your best ambassadors.


As the youngest generation in the workforce, Generation Z is the future of work and an invaluable source of great talents. However, these young adults are different from their predecessors, and to reach them, you must first understand how they think and what they expect from employers.

Connect with them by creating a professional and engaging presence on their preferred social media channels and immerse them in meaningful conversations. Remember to be straightforward but to avoid trying too hard as Generation Z likes transparency and creativity.

Inform them about available vacancies in your company and leverage your recruitment SaaS to share openings, capture candidate data, and create talent pools.

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