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You’re Missing These 8 Pieces of Your Customer Experience Puzzle

Most companies have a customer experience puzzle that they are trying to solve. Some of the pieces may be in place, but there is always room for improvement. By putting together these few pieces, your business will stand out among its competitors!

Puzzle no 1: user-friendly website and dashboard

Your website is where everything begins, it’s very often your first touchpoint with a client.

Most of the websites we see today are far from perfect and this is a problem. If your website can be easily found by Google – that’s great – but it will only ever be the first step towards success. Keep in mind that many customers don’t go beyond page one in organic search results.

Therefore, if they can’t find you, you can pretty much kiss them goodbye.

Today’s websites should be easy to use and beautiful at the same time. They should be informative and transparent. You need all this in order to gain customer trust, which is a key factor for business growth.

Puzzle no 2: great online chat support

There’s nothing more frustrating than a bad chat support service. It can ruin the entire user experience and sometimes even a brand. If your customers have to wait for hours before they get any help – that’s just not acceptable!

Today, it is crucial to offer online chat support as an essential part of customer service. The best way to provide great live chat services is by hiring well-trained professionals who can quickly answer customer questions and give them the help they need. However, you need a good tool to handle all these requests, too.

A good live chat tool can make the difference between a positive or negative user experience.

Puzzle no 3: quick delivery and return policy

When customers buy online, they expect their orders to arrive fast. They don’t want to wait weeks before receiving their purchase – it’s simply not worth it for them! If your products are time-sensitive, you need to find a way to deliver them faster.

Another important thing is the return policy. You can’t force customers into buying something or make it difficult for them if they want to change their minds and send back an item. Today’s e-commerce environment requires more flexibility, which means that online retailers must be willing to offer flexible return policies.

Puzzle no 4: effective problem-solving approach

Problems happen, that’s just how it is. Whether you’re selling products or services online – issues can arise at any time and in different forms. A customer could say they never got the product even if there were no confirmation emails sent to them or their package was lost during delivery.

A good way to handle these problems is by providing a clear and effective problem-solving approach. You should be able to communicate with your customers regardless of the issue. If you’re selling products online, make sure that each product page comes with detailed information about how to contact you in case there’s any trouble along the way. If not, offer some extra support (to make sure that your customers are taken care of!) e.g. via business phone systems.

Puzzle no 5: rewards and loyalty programs

Rewards and loyalty programs are very important for today’s customers. A lot of brands offer their loyal customers some sort of discount or free delivery on a product, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Today, you can come up with an innovative solution that will allow your clients to feel more appreciated than ever before. You just need to make sure that your rewards and loyalty programs are tailored specifically for each customer.

You may also think about setting up a special program for referral marketing efforts. This is a great way to generate sales while rewarding your customers at the same time.

Puzzle no 6: value in everything you do

Every single touchpoint counts when it comes to customer experience. For example, if your website lacks any sort of information about the brands you sell or doesn’t offer a contact page – that can be viewed as a serious problem. Why? Well, because customers need all the help they can get these days and sometimes even one small mistake may ruin their online shopping experience!

Offering value in everything you do is essential if you want to earn customer trust. Trust can be achieved only through the quality of your products and services, but that’s not enough. You need to offer customers some sort of additional experience that will make them feel valued as an individual. Insincerity will make them never do business with you again if they perceive you as being untruthful.

What if, instead of just sending an email with a few instructions, you prepared a webinar where you could not only present a solution but also run a Q&A session?

Puzzle no 7: build relations, not sales

It’s important to focus on your customers and build long-term relationships with them. If you only think about sales, nothing good will come out of it – at least not in the short term.

Put yourself in their shoes – what would you do if a brand was constantly pushing for immediate purchases? You probably wouldn’t buy from that company.

Instead, you should focus on building long-term relationships with your customers. This way they will want to buy from you again and again!

Puzzle no 8: think outside the box

Customer experience goes beyond the limits of a website or an online store. In fact, it’s not even limited to e-commerce! You should be thinking about your customers 24/365 – because that’s how much they think about you and your business when looking for products and services.

How can you accomplish this? Offer solutions that let them contact your business at any time. For example, provide them with an online booking platform instead of requesting them to contact you if they wish to book your service.

A great way to improve customer experience is by showing them that you’re interested in their needs. This way they will be more likely to buy from your business and spread the word about it.

Over to you

Customer experience requires some puzzle pieces, but these are only some of them! There’s so much more you can do in order to improve each aspect that influences how people perceive your business online. If you get this right, then clients will come flocking towards your business, and it will definitely pay off.

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