It is hard to find new content ideas for your campaigns. Take out the stress by looking at the tips below.
Creating content is a fun thing to do, at least for the first few weeks. And then you start to wonder where you can find more ideas from. Don’t worry, and take a look at our list below to find some great places to get more content ideas.
There are many forums online, including places like Quora, which is huge and has millions of questions being asked every year.
The best thing about forums like Quora is that you can ask questions and get answers. From a content creation point of view though, you can look at the questions that are being asked in your particular industry, and then use those to fire up ideas for content creation.
Whether it’s a blog post or an infographic, if you need inspiration there is a lot you can get from a forum that posts questions literally every minute.
Your audience and their social
Another great place to find ideas for content is social media itself. Your audience is there and they are interacting with the world. They’re talking about news items, events and they’re using hashtags.
Latch on to this and do some social listening. This way, you’ll immediately know what your audience is interested in because you know what they are talking about.
Ask questions
In the social media content you create, whether it is a Tweet or a post on Instagram, you can pose questions to your readers and see what their responses are.
You’ll be surprised how many content ideas you get for simple answers to questions. And they are literally the start of a conversation.
And while we are on the subject, hashtags are a great way to pick up content ideas that you know are current and resonating with your audience.
Follow people in your industry and soon you will see hashtags crop up. Then, find a way to create content that is based around those hashtags. With enough hard work in this area, you will soon be able to build up a whole bank of content ideas that will fill your content calendar for months to come.
Hashtags will give you access to popular content online, questions that people are asking and also the latest topics that are getting people excited.
YouTube videos
This channel will always be popular, and you can use it to find content ideas quite quickly.
YouTube can inspire you in several ways. Find videos that are popular in your industry, whether they are how-to videos, trend videos, or news videos. By looking at those with views, comments, and other engagement, you will determine which topics you should focus on with your content.
Your own website
Using what is already on your website is another quick way to get some content together.
Frequently asked questions sections can be found on many websites because they get repeated questions and want to provide answers for visitors and prospective customers. Taking a look at your FAQ section, you might be able to expand on the topics with another form of content, including a video, a blog post, an e-book, or a guide.
And then…
Look at your competitors’ FAQ sections. Consider what questions they are getting all the time, and reply to those questions with content.
Finally, while we are looking at your site, examine your most popular posts, even from years past. You can reuse content by creating videos, podcasts, or articles on the same topic.
Related searches
Google has been running Related Searches for years now, and they are still one of the best ways to find content ideas.
Google a content idea or question and then check out the Related Searches suggestions below. This will give you ideas for what you might cover in your content.
Use your expertise with forecasts
Your brand or client is an expert. Use that. In your industry, what are your predictions for the future? Think about it for at least twenty minutes. Create content by breaking the list down into different categories. In order to prepare for the future, individuals are always seeking information.
These are just some of the many ways in which you can find new content ideas for your campaigns. Try them out, and as always, test to see which works the best.
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