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9 Ways to Use Recruiting Automation in the Hiring Process

In the last decade, technology became one of the essential elements of the recruitment process. Thanks to the speed, efficiency, and cost reduction it provides, tech intertwines with various needs and procedures HR professionals have every day.

Automation answers various needs human resources have due to accelerating tedious tasks and it makes finding the most qualified candidates less of a challenge. Because of that, recruitment automation is the future of hiring processes that will replace traditional methods.

Over the years, technology will play a more significant role in recruitment, and it’s safe to assume that nearly every organization will leverage automation to streamline its procedures.

Companies can use recruitment automation tools in various ways to improve their hiring process.

Top 9 Uses of Automation in Recruitment

Recruitment automation tools are helpful across all phases of the hiring procedure, starting with the promo campaign of a job ad to onboarding.

  1. Job Advertisement

Automation technology is ideal for programmed job postings and advertising. It helps companies handle their marketing easier by purchasing software that takes care of digital ads.

Thanks to that, HR professionals can place their advertisements automatically and reach their ideal audience regardless of their geographical location or background. As a result, they can reduce the costs for expensive ads that hinder their revenues.

But recruitment automation also helps with employer reputation and branding by delivering the right message and enabling quick and easy content publishing. That allows branded posts that appeal to the most compatible candidates more than regular job openings.

  1. Applicant Tracking System

Most organizations use automation as a part of the applicant tracking system known as ATS. It helps HR professionals gather the necessary information about their job applicants and track their status from the moment they apply until the end of the selection process.

As a result, recruiters can avoid the struggle with manual actions. They can rely on recruitment automation tools to access the profiles of their job applicants at any point in the process, collaborate with managers, stakeholders, and supervisors.

  1. Social Recruiting

Most recruiters leverage the vast opportunities social media provide to reach compatible job seekers and highly qualified candidates. Young people typically spend time on the internet, and we advise employers to be where they are.

Recruitment automation allows HR professionals to automate their social media posts or start hiring campaigns that help them target their ideal audience. Moreover, technology also enables companies to scan the connections of their workers or collect and evaluate data from social networks and seek potential job applicants.

  1. Background Checks

Recruitment automation tools enable recruiters to perform background checks, screen job applicants, and analyze their competencies, qualifications, and data accuracy. For instance, they can use tech to identify whether a particular job applicant has the required abilities and how compatible they are with a job position.

  1. Speeds Up Processes

Thanks to recruitment automation, HR professionals can automate nearly every task that would have to be manual otherwise. For example, they can schedule emails, post updates, or contacting stakeholders. As a result, recruiters can accelerate processes and focus on more valuable parts of the hiring process, such as initiatives development, training, wellness programs, or scorecards.

  1. Schedules Candidate Interviews

Although scheduling interviews for job applicants may not sound like a challenging task, it can be time-consuming and tedious. Thus, recruiters often have to go back and forth, sending multiple emails or trying to reach candidates and determine their availability.

Recruitment automation tools enable HR professionals to eliminate one of the most tiring parts of recruitment by providing automatic scheduling and streamlining the overall process.

  1. Nurtures Connections With Candidates

Engagement is critical for the candidate’s experience. It requires continuous communication with job applicants, regular updates, and keeping them in the loop.

If a company fails to send nudges about the status of their job application, candidates could lose interest and abandon the process.

Recruitment automation tools allow automatic email communication, non-stop engagement, and mechanic reminder notifications for the candidates. That way, job applicants always know the next step and where they are in the selection process.

  1. Hiring Multiple Roles Simultaneously

Time-to-hire is one of the important recruitment metrics, and recruiters typically strive to speed up the hiring process and hire more people simultaneously. However, HR departments often struggle with a lack of recruiters and challenging growth objectives, preventing them from recruiting more than one candidate.

That problem fades away with recruitment automation as it increases productivity and bandwidths, ensuring recruiters can hire more job applicants simultaneously. As a result, hiring cycles get shorter, reducing the vacancy costs and onboarding enough employees to stay efficient.

  1. Rediscovers and Ranks Job Applicants

Most candidates fall out of the selection process, but not because of incompatibility. Recruiters may not be able to hire every quality job applicant, but they should keep in touch with them and consider them for future positions and job roles.

Automation enables HR professionals to rediscover candidates who weren’t the best fit in the past but could be now. It also helps with ranking job applicants and streamlining the hiring process.

Despite the doubts many companies still have regarding recruitment automation, it can speed up procedures, increase the hiring volume, and reduce manual tasks. We advise embracing tech evolution and implementing tools and platforms that make recruiting smoother and improve hiring quality.

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